In July 2022, another humanitarian shipment arrived for the population of the city of Chernihiv and the Chernihiv region, which was under occupation. The shipment consisted mainly of goods for families with small children and elderly people. As always, the Blue Bird foundation provided food, clothing, toys, and tools. In addition, gas canisters and gas burners were also delivered to the residents of the Chernihiv region.

Mothers who received assistance decided to share their impressions: “Incredible! We lost our home, belongings, everything that reminded us of our normal life. All we had left was a baby cot. But now we have almost everything our family needs – a gas stove, new clothes, and food for several weeks. We are grateful for this help!” – comments Nadia V..

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In addition, the charity foundation managed to bring joy to the Ukrainian children by giving them bicycles. “I was afraid we would be left with nothing, but now I have a bike with which I can visit my parents who live outside the city!” – says Oksana B..

War already takes away happy childhoods, so the Blue Bird foundation used the first opportunity to provide children with something that goes beyond the basic necessities, but gives them joy and happiness.

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Anya K., an eight-year-old girl with shining eyes, says: “I had to throw away my bike after our house burned down. It was my dream to have a new one, but I understood that my parents couldn’t afford it now, because they have to rebuild the house. My dream came true.”

Everything will be alright!