What we eat every day is a determining factor in our impact on the environment. Agriculture and livestock produce waste, pollute water and soil, and emit greenhouse gases that cause global temperatures to rise. The need to change the diet and the entire nutrition system is becoming increasingly obvious, albeit elusive.
The team of the Foundation “Blue Bird” identifies as sustainable not only those diets that care about the environment, but also those that are adapted to the economic and socio-cultural aspects of each place. It is important that the food we consume has a minimal impact on the environment during its production. This applies not only to packaging or transportation, but also to the entire production cycle.
There are various indicators that show us the damage caused by the production of certain products that we consume during their life cycle.
It is difficult to analyze these data. There are countries that have managed to take into account some criteria of sustainability in the development of their products. To achieve environmental stability, the rules need to be improved not only for manufacturing companies, but also for educating citizens on nutrition issues.
Nutrition that meets the principles of sustainable development, is the nutrition that has little impact on the environment and helps to ensure food and nutrition security that meets all people’s needs.
Reducing environmental impact also respects biodiversity and ecosystems. Such systematic recommendations and rules should become generally accepted guidelines that are economically accessible and optimized in terms of both natural and human resources.
The team of the Foundation “Blue Bird” is working to promote and advocate for sustainable nutrition idea in order to create a system of rules that will make it possible at the state level and acceptable at the public level.