Mindfulness practices

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The mindfulness practices became known in 1979 when the Professor of Medicine of Massachusetts University John Kabat-Zinn included them in the 8-week MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) program.
The systematic mindfulness practice is aimed primarily at reducing stress and improving psychological well-being.
As a result, the MBSR program and the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical School were born. The first participants of the program were patients with various chronic diseases. Later, the range of applications expanded, and the program began to resort to people experiencing stress in everyday life or working in stressful conditions (military people, police, prisoners, health workers, etc.).
The MBSR program is now officially recognized as an effective aid in the treatment of a huge number of disorders. More than 250 hospitals and clinics around the world offer the MBSR programs and their number is growing every year. Today, the method is taught at Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools.
The number of such programs is growing, as well as the number of studies examining the impact of mindfulness practices on personal well-being and professional performance.Requirements for the validity of studies are increasing every year, making them more accurate and scientifically evidenced.Obviously, the integration of mindfulness practices has promising prospects.
Given that the world has changed radically in the last two years and the pandemic has been added to the general stressors, the general psychological well-being of all segments of the population has been significantly shaken. Such a sad result was caused by the biological consequences of the virus destruction of important human neurocenters, as well as the need to live and work under fear of life and health of loved ones, family incomes, a significant narrowing of normal social contacts due to social distancing.
In such conditions, the regulation and improvement of the psychological well-being of citizens becomes one of the priority tasks for all those who can somehow influence this situation.

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In Ukraine, currently only corporate customers have access to such technologies, and in our opinion this is not fair.
The Charitable Foundation “Blue Bird” aims to use innovative methods to improve the quality of life and general well-being of all population groups, both socially vulnerable and people of auxiliary professions, which are responsible for caring for socially vulnerable groups and accompanying people with special needs in medical care or temporarily deprived of full access to the general medical system.
Relying on the mission of the Charitable Foundation “Blue Bird” – providing everyone without exception and discrimination with equal access to medical services, we also strive to create a situation where truly effective methods and modern technologies to improve the quality of life will be available to those most in need – people suffering from chronic diseases, socially conditioned diseases, prisoners and those under investigation, low-income people, employees of medical institutions, penitentiaries, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, social services.